Monday, April 30, 2007

Picnic at Sarue Park

Daddy and Mummy brought me to Sarue Park this morning. The weather was great and I really enjoyed looking at the green trees. Thank you Daddy for bringing me to many places even though I was sleeping most of the time. :) Daddy seems to be looking forward in playing with me in the park in the near future.

ま・ゆ・み ママからのプレゼント

Thank you so much for the new exciting toys :a new gym mat and a rocking chair from Aunt Masayo, Yukiko and Mieko (Mayumi). I need to try hard in learning all the tricks on the gym mat. Hopefully I could master all of them soon. The rocking chair is really comfy. It helps me to sleep really quick and I'm sure my mom is more excited about it than I do cause then she has more time to do houseworks n update this blog while I'm sleeping....zzzzzzzz

Luv, Riki

Thursday, April 26, 2007

April 26th, 2007

Aunt Chikako came with her daughter, Sakura to visit me. I received a cellular phone toy n plenty of bibs n socks from her. Thank you for the present. Please come and visit me and my mom more often.

Luv, Riki :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 25th, 2007

It's my first birthday with Riki. I'm thankful to God that I'm given the chance to be a mom. I wish for great happiness and peace in the family. Most importantly, may God bless Riki with great health. Amen.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Life Testimony (With Japanese Translation)












April 19th, 2007

Riki is exactly 3 months old today. I couldn't express how thankful am I to God that He's been with me all these time. At times, when Riki is crying helplessly, I pray to God that He soothes him whereever Riki feels uncomfortable. And everyday, I pray so that Riki can grow healthily and free from diseases. Most importantly, I want him to be a kind, patient, cheerful and lovely person who not only obey to his parents but also to God. Walking our life under God's guidance would be the most blessful moment in life. This makes me recall about how my way of thinking of life has changed so much in these past three years. Even though, I've known Jesus Christ since I was kid, I could very much feel more of his love and presence after I'm willing to open up myself to accept his love, grace and forgiveness three years ago and being baptized two years ago. As I walk in the park while pushing the baby stroller in a beautiful day, I feel so thankful about everything that I have in life. Sometimes, we are not supposed to take things for granted and value every moment we have in life as though there is no tomorrow. Everything is under His hand, and we should just treasure every second we have with the people we love. Receiving God's love and grace and accepting Jesus as life's savior maybe difficult to most of the people. Everyday, I pray for those people whom I love so that one day they can also accept this wonderful Grace from God by opening their hearts. I never understood the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" till I actually receive this Grace recently. Tears would fall naturally from my eyes when I sing this song and thought about people whom I love yet haven't accepted this Grace.

I thought how have I changed? The most distinct change I've realize in my life is that I see things differently from before and feel so much peace. This feeling of peace, I'd reckon as one of the most rewarding thing that I experience. No matter how rich or how smart one is, still peace is the one that will bring real happiness in life. I used to be the people who live in rush trying to achieve career status and hopefully be rich, but somehow, those target seems to be so insignificant now. Yes, I do agree that we need money to live. But for sure, money couldn't buy back anything that we miss in life. We could never predict as to what will happen in the future, thus, I try my best to spend as much time as possible with people that I love, especially my family. There are still so many important things in life such as health, wealth, happiness etc., but the peace and assurance feeling that we have in Jesus's promises to have an eternal life is what matters the most. All the material things which we achieve while we live in this world will just be temporary. We are borned naked and also we will die as ashes, bringing nothing but losing only our physical bodies. However, knowing that our spirits will live eternally will make us to look forward in our after life and make the most in this present life. I have just lost a friend from Singapore and she has battled for cancer in these past 7 years, but on April 10th, she has returned to Lord's home by leaving this world peacefully. I felt real happy that I had the chance to spend quite some time bringing her husband and her around Tokyo when she visited us 6 months ago here in Tokyo even though she was still under chemotherapy treatment and I was 5 months pregnant. She was perfectly fine at that time and no one can predict that she will leave us so suddenly. I remembered well when she said that what she's been trying to do for the rest of her life is to sow as many seeds as possible and it doesn't matter as to when these seeds will grow, what's important is to start them now than later. Maybe these seeds that she has sown will grow later in their life but at least it has started. She wants as many people to be saved in their life so that they can accept Jesus as their savior and receive eternal life. I believe she knew that she won't live much longer, and she has also tried her best to have her husband saved. And miraculously, he has changed and accepted Jesus as his savior as well in very recent years. To me, he might the last person who could have changed in accepting Jesus. I knew that he hasn't eaten beef in the longest time due to his former belief. What surprised me the most is that he brings around with him a small book with the title of "The Power of Healing" (I don't exactly remember the title, but it's definitely the book which he treasures a lot) and showing it eagerly to me about how good the book is. I believe by reading this book, he has received lots of assurance, power, forgiveness and love from God to be strong and ways to support his wife. Maybe in his heart, he knew that this long trip will be their last trip together considering her wife's health condition.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer this January and our family struggled in accepting the truth. During the treatment, my mom has suffered a lot of side effects which made her having nausea, fatique and serious diarrhea. She entered emergency room several times and was hospitalized cause the pain was quite unbearable. I reassured and encouraged both my mom and my family to pray more for her. I feel fortunate cause I have known God and that he will continue to watch after my mom even though she's going thru painful experience. I love my mom very much and I want her to be my mom forever. Only by trusting in God's promise that we will have eternal life by accepting Jesus as our savior that I believe I will be with her wherever she will be, in this world or at Lord's Home. This, in turn, gives me a lot of great peace.

Another thought that I have is that money matter will normally cause more problem in our daily life. However, having much money doesn't directly mean that we will have great peace in life. I know that we need to work hard but still, what's important is to achieve the purpose that God has set for us since we're borned cause He's our Creator. Only inventor knows what his invention needs to accomplish. Maybe we're borned to be a great singer or a great business person, but those gifts that we have will sure have their own purposes. Thru prayer, I'm communicating all of my concerns and doubts of life. I seek for his guidance all the time. Taking one step at a time now. Be thankful all the time. I believe that fortune is also a blessing from God. If we are meant to be rich, fortune will fall naturally before us. Of course, it doesn't mean that we just be lazy and do nothing. We still need to be hardworking in whatever we do, but by surrendering all that we do and have to God, I believe that we would receive more joy and peace in doing what we do no matter if it's work, tasks or chores. This will also eliminates a lot of unnecessary stress and worries cause we know that God is with us all the time. Even though problem arises, maybe God needs us to experience it to prepare us for something bigger. I believe everything has its purpose.

I'm feeling real happy to share this with all of you who read this. I'll pray that God bless every parts of your life, and please open your hearts when Jesus knocks on your heart. There is nothing to lose to open up our hearts. I think it will be more costly if we keep our hearts close. Besides, receiving God's love and grace is free. And we will miss out more things by being skeptical and afraid or avoiding to accept and believe in Jesus. Accepting Jesus as our savior will give us 100% assurance for eternal life. Don't u want to spend with people u love forever? Isn't it great to know that Jesus is welcoming us back to our real Home when we leave this world?

Last week's sermon at the church has brought a lot of thoughts for me. Yes, if Jesus didn't resurrect, the whole Christianity is void. And the celebration for Good Friday and easter will be meaningless as well. But, Jesus did resurrect 3 days after his death and he was seen by more than 500 people after his death. If we are going to remain skeptical, maybe it's going to be late cause we never know as to what the future will hold. Unpredictably, we might experience accident, health problem at certain part of our life. Thus, please do not wait till that moment to repent, cause receiving God's grace and forgiveness from now will be the most rewarding thing in life. Developing relationship with Him will give longlasting love and peace which couldn't be bought with money or any material things.

May God bless all of you and filled your heart with Holy Spirit.

Blessings in His name,
Ninih :)

I would like to share the lyrics of Amazing Grace and Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God. And may you sing this song in your heart whenever you feel that you're in need of Him and I believe that Holy Spirit will fill your heart with peace. Close your eyes and tell God what you need him to do. Leave it up to Him and trust that He will listen to you as long as you have strong faith.

P.S. I have inserted the video clips from YouTube for the song "Amazing Grace" at the bottom of this blog. Please double clicks on any of the choices and you can enjoy the song. :)

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail
and mortal life shall cease
I shall possess within the veil
A life of joy and peace

When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun

Amazing Grace (Japanese Translation)

素晴らしき神の慈愛 その甘い響きが
不幸な人間でさえ 救って下さる
いったんは道を見失っても 私にはもうわかる
見えていなかったものも 今ではもう見える

心に敬愛をもたらした 神のお慈悲
神のお慈悲は 恐怖をやわらげてくれた
はかり知れない素晴らしさ 神のお慈悲がわかった時
私が最初に 信じるようになった時

私はついに やってきた
私に平安を もたらしてくれた
神のお慈悲が 私をふるさとに導いてくれる

神は私に 善を約束してくださる
神の言葉で 私の希望が 満たされる
神は 私の盾となり 私の一部となる
命の続く限り ずっと

ああ この身とこの心が 衰えようとも
限りある命が 絶えようとする時にも
私はずっと持ち続けるだろう 神の守護のもとに
喜びと 平安に満ちた生命を

私がそこにいた はるか昔に
太陽のように 光り輝いて
いつだって 神への感謝を歌っていた
私達が 最初にそうだったように

Seek Ye First

Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness,
And all these things shall be added unto you, Allelu, alleluia!
Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find,
Knock and the door shall be opened unto you, Allelu, alleluia!

My First Experience Bibliography

My First .......(Riki's first Bibliography)
1. I was first borned on Jan. 19th, 2007 (Friday) at 9:25 a.m.
2. My umbilical cord was first and maybe last fallen off on Jan. 28th, 2007 (9 days after my birth)
3. My first Chinese Lunar Year : Feb. 18th, 2007 (Sunday)
4. My first party for 40 days celebration : March 10th, 2007 (Saturday)at Alexandrite Residence Clubhouse.
5. My first experience taking an airplane : March 14th, 2007 (Jakarta-Singapore-Tokyo)
6. My first time landed in Tokyo : March 15th, 2007
7. My first time seeing Daddy : March 15th, 2007 (at Narita Airport)
8. My first time seeing Sakura flower (Hanami at Ueno's park): April 1st, 2007 (it's April Fool day but it's true..:))
8. My first time going to the church and it's TUC (Tokyo Union Church): April 15th, 2007
9. Mommy's first birthday with me around : April 25th, 2007
10. My first golden week holiday with daddy and mommy : starting May 3rd, 2007-May 6th, 2007
11. My first Hatsuzekku and Okuizome ceremony : May 5th, 2007
12. My first immunization : BCG (May 8th, 2007)
13. Daddy's first birthday with me around : May 9th, 2007
14. My first time visiting Ueno zoo: May 18th, 2007
15. My first Omatsuri (Festival) in Iriya : May 19th, 2007
16. My first Star Cruise Experience ( 5days cruise): June 3rd-June 8th, 2007
17. My first time visiting Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam): June 5th, 2007
18. My first time visiting Pulau Redang (Malaysia): June 7th, 2007
19. My first time visiting Genting Highland (Malaysia): June 8th, 2007
20. My first time visiting Bandung City (Indonesia): June 22nd, 2007
21. My first time turning around my body: July 3rd, 2007 (5mths and 2wks old)
22. My first DPT shot: July 6th, 2007 (2nd shot: 8/24 and 3rd shot: 10/5)
23. My first Sumidagawa Fireworks experience: July 28th, 2007
24. My first time visiting Seoul, Korea: August 11th-15th, 2007
25. My first time trying to stand up : September 15th ( 7mths old and 25 days)
26. My first Polio shot :November 1st, 2007
27. My first tooth : When I was around 9 mths old
28. My first walking experience: March 3rd, 2008 (13mths n 13 days old)
29. My first MR immunization (Measles n Rubella): March 14th, 2008 at Shensoji hospital
30. My first time going to the daycare: April 2nd, 2008(Asakusabashi 保育園)
31. My first time going to Ueno zoo with daddy: April 5th, 2008
32. My first Hepatitis B immunization :August 20th, 2007, the 2nd one on September 19, 2007.
33. My first new year in Japan: Jan 1st, 2009
34. My first longest cold: Dec. 25th-Jan.1st 2009 ( I lost 2kg)

Dec. 25th, 2007 : Went to Singapore taking UA
Dec. 26th-29th, 2007 : Went to Genting Highlands with grandpa n grandma
Dec. 30th, 2007 -Jan.3rd, 2008 : Took Star Cruise trip to Penang and Phuket
Jan. 4th, 2008 : Went to Jakarta, Indonesia
Jan. 31st, 2008 : Went to Kuala Lumpur in order to get visa extension
Feb. 15th, 2008 : Returned back to Tokyo
March 1st, 2008: First visit to Nagoya, taking Shinkansen for the first time too.
March 8th, 2008: First visit to Nagano and Yamanashi (Suwako Lake)
June 2008: Went to Jakarta, Indonesia coz mommy wanted to give birth for my younger brother, Riko.
September 2008 : Returned back to Tokyo from Indonesia

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thank you uncles n aunties for all the nice presents n contribution to show your sincere congrats for my birth. Please continue to visit this blog cause my mommy will update the progress of my growth development whenever she has the time. I'm occupying lots of her time, and try not to let her overwork, though. Enjoy n May God Bless All of You always.

Love, Riki :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 1st, 2007 (Riki's first Sakura Hanami)

We really enjoy the Hanami at Ueno park. The weather was really great. It's been raining for the past whole week, and the following week is expected to be cold as well. We really choose the right day to enjoy the hanami. By next year, Riki will be able to run around the park while enjoying the Sakura. :)

Riki's 40 days Celebration (March 10th, 2007)

I have organized a party for Riki to celebrate him having passed 40 days since his birth. This is a common celebration for all the new born in Indonesia as babies are proned to be weak in their first 40 days. Once they have gone thru these 40 days, it is a sign that they will continue to be a healthy baby. I have invited many of relatives and some of my friends to the party. I have pictures of my family and the cake which I've ordered especially for Riki. How I wish Yoshinori is here with us as well. Riki and I are looking forward to going back to Tokyo as well on the 14th. May God bless us with safe trip and see you soon Daddy....:)!!!

February 18th, 2007 (Chinese Lunar New Year)
Riki is about 1 month old when we're celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year in Indonesia. He was given a traditional Chinese Qibao from my best friend, Herlina. Even though it's a bit too big for him, I've decided to put it on him. He looks real adorable in Qibao. As a common tradition during the Chinese New Year, people who are unmarried are qualified to receive HongBao. Riki has received several HongBao from my close relative. A smile just naturally shown on my face when I start imagining the time when Riki is capable of saying "Gong Xi Fa Chai, Hongbao na lai" in the future or maybe by next year. It means "Happy New Year and please give me the Hongbao (red package which is normally filled with money). A lot of my relatives come to visit our house. We have reunion dinner the night before Chinese New Year. I really enjoy spending Chinese New Year with my family in Indonesia. I do wish that my family can always be united and I pray to God to provide the best of health for my family especially my parents. Living quite far away from them, I'm always concerned about their well-being. And I believe that the only I can do is to pray for them all the time, and God will give them peace and good health always.